
Success in Adelphi's graduate nursing programs requires sophisticated academic abilities.

Success in Adelphi’s graduate nursing programs requires sophisticated academic abilities. Students entering the programs have varied educational and professional backgrounds, meaning there are different levels of knowledge within incoming groups, and different understandings of the skills needed in graduate school.

This presents a challenge for the faculty—one that Professor Edmund Pajarillo looked to solve through his research as a Viret Family Faculty Leadership Fellow this spring. His solution was to develop the Graduate Studies Onboarding Professional Development Program (GSO-PDP), a pilot initiative that will help students adjust to the demands of graduate school by adding four educational modules to required first-semester courses.

The program is a perfect expression of Adelphi’s “personal touch and approach,” which not only prepares students for success but helps build a strong community of learners. The modules are currently being developed and will be introduced in Spring 2019.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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