
June 2019 marks a big change in the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. We are proud to present our new Public Safety University Logo with the unveiling of our new Public Safety Officers Uniforms.

June 2019 marks a big change in the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. We are proud to present our new Public Safety University Logo with the unveiling of our new Public Safety Officers Uniforms. You may have noticed our officers already wearing these new high visibility uniforms. These new uniforms will make it easy for everyone to recognize our officers, as such, whether they are in parking lots assisting with traffic or on regular patrols across the campus.
In addition, the Department of Public Safety has been updating all of our patrol vehicles with the new Public Safety logo, as you can see in the above picture. These changes are an effort to make it easier for our community to see us if they need us!!

The Department of Public Safety is always here to assist you! 

Working together as a community, we will continue to ensure a safe environment for everyone at Adelphi University.


For further information, please contact:

Public Safety and Transportation
Levermore Hall, Suite 113
p – 516.877.3500 or dial “5” from any on-campus phone

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