Nevin Caple, co-founder of LGBT SportSafe and Br{ache the Silence, spoke at Adelphi about homophobia, inclusion and increasing the visibility of role models in women's sports.
Adelphi stands out as one of the few universities with a group in its athletics department dedicated to diversity issues. Established in fall 2017, the Athletic Diversity Council includes coaches and staff. The department also has a representative on the University’s Diversity Committee.
The council has already developed a statement on diversity and a pledge that all University athletes must commit to. It also invites speakers to campus to present perspectives to athletes and increase understanding. Just this spring, the assembled group of Adelphi athletes heard from Nevin Caple, co-founder of LGBT SportSafe and Br{ache the Silence, a campaign to address homophobia, promote inclusion and increase the visibility of role models in women’s sports.
For further information, please contact:
Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director
p – 516.237.8634
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