
Muhammad Ali, MS ’17, uses supply chain research on the petroleum industry to jump-start his dreams of entrepreneurship.

Using supply chain research on the petroleum industry to jump-start his dreams of entrepreneurship

When Muhammad Ali, M.S. ‘17, arrived in the United States from Pakistan to pursue a graduate degree at Adelphi, he had one goal—to become a successful business executive.

“I landed at JFK [airport] utterly confused, but with a head full of dreams,” he recalled.

As one of the first two students in Adelphi’s new M.S. in Supply Chain Management program, Ali gained skills that he could carry from the classroom straight into the office. A highlight of his studies was a research paper on the supply chain of oil and gas in the United States, which discussed the parties involved in oil production and importing, as well as the specifics of how oil is extracted, transported, stored and marketed.

Cover of 'Muhammad Ali Supply Chain Research' article.

Ali’s research paper also highlighted recent articles that forecast future trends in the oil and gas industry. Despite President Donald Trump’s warning that oil imports from Saudi Arabia may soon be halted, the United States still relies heavily on these imports to satisfy supply and demand—approximately 31 percent of all U.S. oil imports are from OPEC members, with 11 percent from Saudi Arabia alone. The discovery of a large oil deposit in Texas that contains an estimated 20 billion barrels of oil and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids, however, may soon make U.S. energy independence viable.

The chance to expand his knowledge base drove Ali to study this particular supply chain. “Since I am an international student, I had little knowledge about how this industry works within the United States,” he said. Ali’s investigation of the global connections and history involved in supply chain management will surely serve him well as he chases a career in business. And traveling thousands of miles to earn an Adelphi degree has only prompted Ali to elevate his ambitions—one day, he hopes to become the CEO of Amazon.

Muhammad Ali, M.S. ’17, arrived in the United States from Pakistan with dreams of entrepreneurship and fantasies of becoming CEO of Amazon. He earned his master’s degree in supply chain management. Now he’s on his way to making those dreams come true.
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