Mercedes Spanoudakis

Now in her senior year, Mercedes Spanoudakis, a business management major, tells us how she feels about returning to campus, how student leaders can help, some favorite memories and a very special plant.

What are you looking forward to this academic year?

As we return to campus, I am very excited to once again have classes and attend events in person. I am looking forward to classes geared toward my track in human resources and to learn more of the aspects covered by the human resource department. I am also excited to continue working and learning about the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) here at Adelphi. I have a passion for the work being done by the office and want to pursue a career working in diversity, equity and inclusion.

What are some recent challenges you think students have to overcome?

Returning to campus, while exciting, is still a very big adjustment for many students. With COVID-19 still present, students are pushing through while trying to return to the normal college experience. Many students have not stepped foot in a classroom in over a year, maybe even two. There is a major readjustment in how students are learning, interacting with others and balancing their schedules.

What do you see as the next step for student leaders?

Student leaders on campus are starting to take the initiative and restore the feeling of community here at Adelphi. The University being completely virtual last year led to a lot becoming less engaged with campus life and student organizations. To help students become more engaged, leaders can have their clubs and organizations host in-person events and meetings, and they can encourage peers and friends to attend. I think this will rebuild school spirit and a sense of community among Adelphi students.

As you reflect, as a senior, on your time at Adelphi, what are your best memories so far?

My best memories are of participating in University-wide events such as Welcome Weekend, Spirit Weekend and the Casino Nights.

I have a bamboo plant that I received during Welcome Weekend my freshman year. I have managed to keep this plant and watch it grow alongside me through my years here. Whenever I take a look at the plant, I remember the much-needed breaks during the semester when my friends and I would attend events such as the carnivals during Spirit Weekend. Activities like this always added a sense of home and fun while remaining on campus.

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