
Members of Manhasset Junior Coalition, the youth arm of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer, recently visited us

News from the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Program
March 24, 2017
Contact: Lyn Dobrin, 516-997- 8545

Manhasset HIgh School Students Support Adelphi Breast Cancer Program

Members of the Manhasset Junior Coalition, the youth arm of the Manhasset Women’s Coalition Against Breast Cancer, recently visited the Adelphi NY
Statewide Breast Cancer Program to present a check for $10,000 to support the Adelphi program’s educational forums.

After meeting with staff and breast cancer survivors in Garden City, a Junior Coalition member Charlotte Ryan said, "It was incredible to hear what the volunteers at the Adelphi support center do for women diagnosed with breast cancer. It made me proud to be able to help them in any way that we can." This was echoed by another volunteer Nicole Pullano who said, “Going to Adelphi and learning about the program helped us learn how much of a difference we are making and how every little bit helps.”  

The Junior Coalition of MWCABC was formed in 2003 as a charitable organization for Manhasset teenage girls. Elise Dadourian, Junior Coalition coordinator, says their purpose is to provide education and awareness about breast cancer at a teenage appropriate level without fear, to generate compassion and understanding for those afflicted with the disease and the family and friends affected by it, and to join together to raise funds for breast cancer research and patient support programs.

Says Hillary Rutter, the executive director of the Adelphi Breast Cancer Program, “These young women set an admirable example of community service.”

The funds are being used to support educational programs such as “Feel Better and Have More Energy After Breast Cancer” on May 1 and “Using Mindfulness and Meditation to Cope with Breast Cancer” on May 22, both held at Adelphi in Garden City.

The Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program offers emotional support and information to those coping with breast cancer. Call 800-877-8077 to speak with a breast cancer survivor. You are not alone.

Photo attached; Hillary Rutter, director of the Adelphi Program, accepts check from Manhasset Jr. Coalition Against Breast Cancer.


For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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