
A student’s perspective on the Panthers with a Purpose program offered at Adelphi University.

The Panthers with a Purpose program partners Adelphi University students interested in gaining valuable insight and experience, with nonprofits across Long Island and New York City.

Keyla HernandezA Student’s Perspective

By Keyla Hernandez
M.F.A. in Creative Writing, May 2015

Before beginning my internship in the Education Department of the Cradle of Aviation Museum, I  wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know much about marketing but the museum gave me an opportunity to learn. Even though I thought writing wasn’t directly related to marketing, they wanted someone with strong writing abilities, and I took the chance to branch outside my field and experience a new environment.

Mostly, I work independently, creating monthly newsletters, updating and creating posts for the Education Department on Facebook, and conducting research. Whenever I have a chance, I explore the museum, and discover interesting facts about aviation that I would have never thought of looking into before interning at the Museum. Being new to the Long Island and New York City area, the Cradle of Aviation Museum gives me an inside look at some local history. I feel this exposure to the history of the area makes it easier for me to know my way around. It is empowering just having all of this knowledge.

The opportunity to be around people in the office is great because I am able to use my creativity, and at the same time learn more about the educators’ responsibilities. Educators in the museum teach several classes where local elementary and middle school students participate in different activities, like creating cool airplanes and crafts related to flight and outer space. Students always seem eager to learn about aviation and space technologies, and I love seeing kids learning. I think the best thing that I learned is that we must inspire future generations to follow their interests and dreams.

This piece appeared in the Career Compass Spring 2014 issue.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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