Kevin Padilla ’16 is taking the skills he learned as a communications major and student worker in Adelphi’s Office of Public Affairs to the Waldorf School of Garden City—right next door to Adelphi’s Garden City campus—as its new communications associate.
Kevin Padilla ’16 is taking the skills he learned as a communications major and student worker in Adelphi’s Office of Public Affairs to the Waldorf School of Garden City—right next door to Adelphi’s Garden City campus—as its new communications associate.
How did he land the job so quickly after graduation? His supervisor at Adelphi, Kali Chan, director of media relations, and her colleague, Kaitlyn Woods ’12, M.B.A. ’15 tipped him off and put in a good word for him.
In his first month on the job, he described it as “busy” and “a really great starting position.” He added: “It incorporates a lot of the skills I learned at Adelphi—from the people in the public affairs office to the professors. This is the kind of job that was made for me to begin with.”
Padilla said that he is learning on the job, but that many of his responsibilities—taking photos of events and projects, writing news stories for the school, handling email communications—are similar to ones he had in Adelphi’s Office of Public Affairs.
Asked to describe the culture, Padilla called it “friendly” and “close-knit,” pointing out that his team is a small one.
Overall, he is grateful to Adelphi for helping him secure a first job in a field he enjoys.
“Adelphi taught me how to put myself out there more and be more willing to talk to people,” he said. “My time in the public affairs office taught me how to schedule my time, prioritize projects and to work as a team. If I ever need help I have no problem asking, and Adelphi never made that hard for me either.”
We asked Padilla who at Adelphi he would thank.
He responded, “Definitely Kali Chan, Bonnie Eissner, everyone in the public affairs office first and foremost. Not only did they help me get this position, but all the skills I learned from them directly translate here. I would also like to thank all the professors in the communications department who taught me to develop a love of writing that I didn’t have before I started at Adelphi—in particular Professor Liza N. Burby and Professor Paul Thaler. They taught me to cultivate my interest in writing in ways that I haven’t done before.”

Kevin Padilla ’16, communications associate at the Waldorf School of Garden City
For further information, please contact:
Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director
p – 516.237.8634
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