
Information on the newest update to Moodle.

by Benjamin Rosner

18moodle1Adelphi’s learning management system Moodle has been available for faculty and students since 2008. During these great many years Moodle has been updated, modified, poked and prodded to make it the best possible learning management system for the University. Now a half-decade later and to celebrate this milestone we’re updating Moodle to its newest, most robust version yet, Moodle 2.4.

Moodle 2.4 will arrive on campus May 24th, 2013 (Moodle 2.4 on the 24th!). With its arrival, a platform that is even more robust and ready for infused, hybrid or fully online teaching and learning—ready to meet student and faculty needs. Optimized to make adding content, resources and activities easier for faculty and more interactive for students. Best of all, the skills and knowledge we currently hold about using Moodle are not being outdated, but the possibilities have increased.

For faculty we’ve made populating your course with material easier by drag-and-drop file uploading. With editing turned on just drag that syllabus, PowerPoint, or PDF (other mediums work too) from your desktop to Moodle and hey-presto, you’re done! See our video spotlight. You can now also quickly rename items on your course from the front page so that resource names are accurate, up-to-date and ready to engage students.

We’ve also added some new assessment techniques to the platform to make marking more consistent with teaching and learning practice. Rubrics are now fully integrated for assignment grading—and they’re quick and easy to setup. Marking guides are also available in Moodle. While rubrics have criterion with descriptive marking levels (and point values associate with those levels), a marking guide offers criteria for students with a large space for comments and an allotted number of points.


(click to see bigger screenshots)

Finally, we’ve also spent some time to beautify Moodle with some new themes (themes change the look and feel of your course). The FCPE’s fabulous graduate intern Ariel helped design Adelphi logos to complete the look. Here are a few mockups:


Moodle 2.4 is an exciting update to our current learning management system. It will ensure that teaching and learning conducted on the system will be meaningful and engaging. It also strengthens the foundation for faculty to build robust fully online courses. Look for Moodle 2.4 on eCampus after your Labor Day weekend. The FCPE will be offering workshops in the Summer and Fall semesters.

Special thanks go out to the fine folks in the IT Department, mainly Sean Tallman and Scott Finklestien, our fantastic graduate intern Ariel Fleurimond, and the entire Moodle Review Committee! You all have made such a fantastic platform possible.

Keep Calm and Moodle On!


Benjamin Rosner
Senior Instructional Technologist
Faculty Center for Professional Excellence

This piece is from the Spring 2013 Issue No. 18 of the FCPE Newsletter.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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