
Dr. White has been selected by The New York Academy of Medicine's prestigious Fellows program.

Jane White, Ph.D., professor in the College of Nursing and Public Health, is known for her expertise in psychiatric-mental health nursing, for being the first executive director of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, and for developing the Ph.D. program and mentoring faculty and students as well as instilling in them a strong sense of ethics and deep respect for the nursing profession. As she told our graduating class of nurses at a recent Gold-AACN White Coat Ceremony, “To be a nurse requires the heart—empathy, compassion—the soul—a moral compass pointing toward integrity and ethical decision-making—and the mind—the science—practicing from evidence, with expertise, experience and oftentimes with a nurse’s intuition.”

Now Dr. White has another accomplishment: She has been selected by The New York Academy of Medicine‘s prestigious Fellows program.

The program includes more than 2,000 distinguished professionals elected by their peers from across the medical and health professions. Fellows work collaboratively across disciplines, specialties and institutional boundaries; participate in cutting-edge research and educational and health policy programs; and organize events addressing critical health issues.

As a fellow, Dr. White will address clinical and population health issues facing individuals and communities in New York City and cities around the world.

Elaine Smith ’78, M.S. ’88, Ed.D., interim dean of the College, said, “Our congratulations go out to Jane on this significant accomplishment. Dr. White will be officially inducted in a ceremony this fall.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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