
Hatzis’ research explores and critically examines research on and clinical practices for traumatic reactions in response to traumatic events with sociopolitical influences.

Jamie Hatzis’ research explores and critically examines research on and clinical practices for traumatic reactions in response to traumatic events with sociopolitical influences.

She utilizes a feminist approach to identify and address implications for what constitutes evidence of effectiveness of interventions for traumatic reactions to sociopolitical events experienced as traumatic, as well as what constitutes recovery.

Her research interests include trauma informed clinical supervision, applications of contemplative practices in trauma recovery, roles of dissociation and embodiment in trauma treatment, and applications of the use of self in embodied simulation during exposure treatments for trauma. Hatzis has worked with children, adolescents, families, the LGBTQ community and combat veterans.

Hatzis is an EMDR-certified clinician and active member of EMDRIA’s Humanitarian Assistance Program. She has her M.S.W. from the Stony Brook University School of Social Welfare. She teaches an advanced year elective in Adelphi’s Social Work Master’s program titled Stress, Crisis, Trauma and Coping. Hatzis is in private practice and serves as the director of a program serving runaway and homeless youth.

For further information, please contact:

School of Social Work
p – 516.877.4300

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