A student in the Swirbul Library using a laptop.

Adelphi University Libraries are happy to introduce you to our updated website. Over the last 10 months, we worked together with the Web Development and Digital Strategy team to design our new website with you, our users, in mind. We hope you find it easy to use.

You can find almost everything you need at the top of our homepage. The OneSearch search option lets you find every type of material we offer, including actual articles, videos, collections, and even a list of subject-specific databases and resources. The other options under the search bar let you specifically search through our A-Z Databases & More lists and our collection of Guides & Tutorials.

Beyond our search, you can find everything else you need in the library services catalog. The catalog allows you to filter our services by category and audience. You can also use the search option to quickly find what you are looking for.

On the rest of our homepage, you can find this week’s library hours, a set of quick links to our most accessed services, and a callout with all the different ways you can reach out to get help. You can use the menu on the right to learn more about the libraries, using the libraries, different ways to get research assistance, and more about our collections and archives.

If you have any questions or need more help, don’t hesitate to chat with us or contact us in the way most convenient to you. We look forward to seeing you online!

Phone Number
More Info
Swirbul Library
Swirbul Library
Rooms 100 & 101 will remain open until 3am.