
Angélica Méndez is the NECO award recipient.

nicole-rudolphAt last fall’s Majors’ Meeting, Director of International Studies Nicole Rudolph had an exciting announcement for IS majors: she had secured a $5,000 gift from the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations (NECO) for summer study abroad for an IS major. NECO’s Executive Director Kate Haas Monte praised the partnership with Adelphi’s IS program, noting: “It was a perfect fit for NECO as part of our mission of not only supporting education, but also to encourage ethnic and religious tolerance and diversity.”

To win the award, IS majors with at least a 3.0 GPA were invited to submit an application explaining how in-depth summer study abroad would further their intellectual and professional goals. A faculty committee, comprised of Katie Laatikainen, Yun Lee, and Traci Levy, reviewed the applications and selected junior Angélica Méndez as the deserving recipient of the award.

Angélica, who is pursuing the Business track with a concentration in Spanish, chose to participate in a CIEE program in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this summer. The CIEE program will give Angélica the opportunity to study the links between Business, International Finance and Public Policy in Latin America; Green Business in a Global Context; and Strategic Planning in Social Policy: Argentina and the USA in Comparative Perspective. While she studies at the Faculdad Lationoamerica de Ciencias Sociale de Argentina, she will also have the opportunity to live with an Argentine host family and visit Uruguay, deepening her familiarity with Latin American culture.


NECO award recipient, Angelica Mendez

The International Studies Program offers its hearty congratulations to Angélica and its heartfelt gratitude to NECO.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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