
Learn more about the launch of the Warmline resource at the Institute for Parenting.

During this difficult time, families are coping with heightened emotional distress and need somewhere to turn for help. Adelphi University’s Institute for Parenting has launched a ‘warmline’ to support and guide caregivers through young children’s development and well-being amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“We responded to the coronavirus crisis by launching a community resource, the Parenting Warmline, for questions and concerns from families and caregivers,” says Joaniko Kohchi, director of Adelphi’s Institute for Parenting.

The new warmline welcomes calls from parents, caregivers and educators of babies and young children (ages 0–6) who have nonemergency questions about child adjustment, development, activities and how to talk to young children about all the recent changes.

“Although we anticipated that the most immediate concerns would be about physical health and medical questions, which are not our focus, we are and will be available to support families as their together time extends, and questions arise about development, social-emotional growth, age-appropriate communication, family dynamics, routines, transitions and adjustment to new patterns and places, etc.”

Messages for the warmline can be left at 516.515.1948. Calls will be returned by specialists in infant and childhood issues from Adelphi’s Institute for Parenting on Mondays and Thursdays. (Messages left on Friday–Monday will be returned on Monday afternoons and messages left on Tuesday–Thursday will be returned on Thursday afternoons.)

For more information about the warmline and Adelphi’s Institute for Parenting, visit

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