Dear Panthers,
As we prepare to start Fall 2020 classes and rejoin one another on campus and online, I welcome you to a new semester — one unlike any we have ever experienced here at Adelphi.
This email will help you plan and understand your personal responsibility to help us all avoid the spread of COVID-19 and stay healthy in the months ahead.
Personal safety guidelines on and off campus
Each of you is personally responsible for behaving in a way that does not risk spreading COVID-19 to members of our community.
- Wear face coverings everywhere required, including classrooms. Bandanas, buffs, gaiters, and masks with vents or exhalation valves do not offer adequate protection and should not be used in place of an appropriate face covering while on campus.
- Follow proper hygiene protocols and maintain social distance.
- Obey all posted signs about reduced capacity and careful seating arrangements.
- Limit unnecessary travel to areas with travel restrictions.
- Limit gatherings to small groups that meet CDC guidelines.
- Respect how others feel during this challenging time.
- Be mindful of your actions. Ask yourself if your behavior jeopardizes your health and safety, that of your friends, family or our Adelphi community.
- Display a positive attitude if you are reminded by fellow students or University staff, faculty, or officials about health and safety protocols. Reminders are intended to help keep ourselves safe and our University thriving during the pandemic.
- If you do not feel well, you should NOT come to campus. Stay home or in your residence hall and contact Student Health Services at healthandwellness@adelphi.edu or 516.877.6000. Contact your professor(s) and make arrangements to do classwork virtually, if needed.
SPECIAL NOTE ON OFF-CAMPUS GATHERINGS: Recently, we have seen stories in the news about students from other colleges partying and gathering off campus without masks and without proper social distancing. This has resulted in their campuses being shut down. Unsafe behavior off campus is a danger to all of us on campus, and can undo all the hard work done to make Adelphi safe this fall. Please remember that these safety guidelines apply wherever you are. For safe ways to connect on and off campus, visit our Clubs and Organizations webpage throughout the semester, and read Adelphi Insider Events every Monday for a listing of activities.
Remember, every student needs to adhere to these guidelines — whether you are a resident, commuter, full-time, part-time or online student.
Student Code of Conduct
Please review and understand our Code of Conduct, which explains your responsibility to our community and how the University will enforce the Code for both on- and off-campus violations.
During this specific unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic, I call your attention to these particular sections:
- Section 2 / Classroom and Field Placement Standards states that any student who engages in any behavior that results in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class. The matter may be escalated to the Office of the Provost and for review by an officer of student conduct and community standards.
- Section 10 / Prohibited Conduct (1B, 3 and 12) states that any student who is noncompliant in a classroom may be approached, counseled or removed by Adelphi University Public Safety officers.
- Section 11 / Off-Campus Conduct states that the Code will be enforced for any off-campus behavior of any student which seriously affects the interests of the University or members of the University community.
- Section 12 / Enforcement of This Code states that members of the University community who are charged with violations of the Code are subject to appropriate disciplinary action defined within.
Pledge to Protect
Now more than ever before, we need your commitment to protecting yourself and the Adelphi community. Pledge to take responsibility for your own health and the protection of others, and to help keep our community safe from the spread of COVID-19.
Join your classmates and take Adelphi’s Pledge to Protect as we plan our safe restart to the fall semester.
Helpful Information to Review Before the Start of Classes
To help you prepare for the upcoming fall, I remind you of the following resources that are available to you throughout the semester:
- Our Restart website – providing information about Fall 2020 guidelines and resources
- FAQs for students – housed on the Restart website, these will likely answer many of your questions and will be updated continually
- Daily health monitoring requirements for those who come to campus
- Protocols for face masks, hygiene and social distancing
- Various guides for returning to student life, residential life, classrooms, learning centers, libraries, performing arts, athletics and more
Additionally, all Adelphi resources remain available to support your academic and career success, mental health, and overall well-being:
- Center for Career and Professional Development, offering virtual services
- Center for Student Involvement, offering both virtual and in-person appointments
- Health Services Center, offering both in-person and virtual appointments
- Learning and Writing Centers, offering both in-person and virtual support
- Office of Academic Services and Retention, offering both virtual and in-person advising assistance
- Office of Student Financial Services, offering virtual appointments and assistance
- Student Access Office, offering virtual and in-person assistance
- Student Counseling Center, offering virtual counseling appointments
A Continuous World-Class Experience
Adelphi has carefully put into place a great deal of flexibility to ensure that all our students can stay on track for their goals this semester, no matter how the pandemic might evolve or impact us collectively or individually. And I am very pleased to see so many of our students demonstrating responsible behavior and Panther togetherness.
As I mention in my welcome video to you, during the semester, the Division of Student Affairs will remain committed to your well-being and to providing myriad opportunities and activities for leadership and involvement at Adelphi — through student organizations, career guidance, residential life programs, events and more that will enrich your Adelphi experience. Whether virtually or in small, safe groups that are permitted, our teams have worked hard all summer to deliver an engaging semester with modifications for the protection of our entire campus community.
I look forward to seeing you this semester, and thank you for doing your part to keep our community healthy.
R. Sentwali Bakari, PhD
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students