American flag at sunset

Dear Adelphi Family,

For many of us, the images and emotions of September 11, 2001, are etched in our memories—20 years old but unforgettable and vivid. When we honor this day collectively, we turn terror into unity. We care for one another. We remember what unites us.

As a community and as individuals, we grieve for the lives lost on 9/11 at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We remember first responders and citizens. We honor members of our military who fight terrorism and advance freedom around the world.

It is hard to imagine that many of our current students never lived in a world where the Twin Towers stood in lower Manhattan and that perhaps they never had a chance to know important family or friends—many of them Panthers—who died that day. Many among us remember 9/11 through the stories of loved ones and chapters in history books.

Together, we all share the weight of this day. Let’s take time today to remember what unites us. In honor of all who were lost and affected, I wish you a day of reflection and optimism.


Christine Riordan

Christine M. Riordan, PhD

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