
The event provided veterans with an opportunity to network with employers and recruiters.

by Brett Spielberg

Working in a hospital is extremely mission driven. Success involves thorough planning, attention to detail, leadership skills and the desire to be part of a motivated team. With people’s lives on the line, the fast-paced, high-stakes environment requires the best and the brightest that the country has to offer.

Career Transitions for Veteran Students, hosted by the North Shore-LIJ Health System and sponsored by the Veterans Health Alliance of Long Island, was the perfect forum to help fill that need. The event brought together employers, recruiters and transitioning professionals in Adelphi’s Thomas Dixon Lovely Ballroom on May 1, 2013.

With close to 100 veterans attending Adelphi every semester, University College has made it one of its goals to aid this population in the transition from military to civilian life. With programs, resources and support throughout the educational experience, University College prepares veterans for success in a diverse range of careers.

“It’s important to help veterans understand how to apply their military training and skill sets to their education and civilian careers,” University College Academic Adviser Christina Cowan said. “The event provided insight from other veterans that are currently North Shore-LIJ employees.”

When most people think of hospital professions, they might assume that the jobs exist only in the healthcare field. However, there is a wide array of opportunities for veterans to pursue, from finance and research to information technology, strategic planning and customer service.

David Serana, a registered nurse, Juan Serrano, a practice office coordinator, and Craig Washington, a patient support manager, presided over the panel, and each brought their diverse experiences and roles to the discussion. They recounted the unique stories of their journeys toward fulfilling careers. Rather than linger on the challenges, the panel shared the advantages military training provided them in the workplace, particularly in the North Shore-LIJ Health System.

The event transitioned into an informal networking environment for group and individual discussion, allowing for more in-depth questions and answers about how veterans can market their skills for the workplace.

“They talked about what to put on their résumés, what skills translate from their military training to their civilian jobs and what employers are really looking for,” Ms. Cowan said. “There was a résumé-building workshop at the end so that recruiters could give their critiques, and there were even computers set up so that they could apply for jobs on the spot.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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