Social workers, therapists, counselors, and others learned how to administer CBT during the School of Social Work's annual Summer Institute.
Growing numbers of Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, trauma and substance abuse. Many are being helped by cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), an approach widely recognized for its effectiveness. By working with a CBT-trained professional, clients learn to reinterpret experiences and replace negative thoughts, beliefs and actions with positive, more realistic ones and go on to lead happier, more productive lives.
During the week of July 23, 2018, social workers, therapists, counselors, psychologists, nurses and others gathered in the Ruth S. Harley University Center Thomas Dixon Lovely Ballroom to learn how to administer CBT during the Adelphi School of Social Work’s annual Summer Institute.
The School is renowned for its graduate program that U.S. News & World Report ranked in the top 10 percent in the nation, and for its undergraduate program that USA Today College ranked sixth nationally. The School also plays a vital role for the region’s mental health professionals and the clients they serve through its Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development. Run by Audrey Freshman, Ph.D., the program enables professionals to earn continuing education units, which various state departments require professionals earn to update their skills and maintain their licenses. The School of Social Work holds these workshops throughout the year, at all campus locations.
“We continue to bring state-of-the-art training in evidence-based practices to clinicians that pertain to their private practices so they can develop their skills to provide the best possible care,” said Dr. Freshman. “This year’s Summer Institute provided valuable training to our professional community that will enable them to help their clients overcome what can be devastating mental health disorders and live happier, more productive lives.”
After the introduction to CBT on the first day of the Institute, expert instructors taught attendees to use CBT to help those with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and those who had experienced trauma. On the last day, attendees received the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Certificate in the Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment.
For further information, please contact:
Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications DirectorÂ
p – 516.237.8634
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