
A comprehensive listing of faculty scholarship and creative work in 2011.

Jacques Barber wrote, with C. Epperson and L. Sockol, “A Meta-Analysis of Treatments for Perinatal Depression” published in Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (5), p. 839–849, 2011.

Robert Bornstein published the following: “Toward a Process-Focused Model of Test Score Validity: Improving Psychological Assessment in Science and Practice” in Psychological Assessment, 23 (2), p. 532–544, 2011; “From Symptom to Process: How the PDM Alters Goals and Strategies in Psychological Assessment,” 93 (2), p. 142–150, 2011, and “Toward a Multidimensional Model of Personality Disorder Diagnosis: Implications for DSM-5,” 93 (4), p. 362–369, 2011 in the Journal of Personality Assessment; “Reconceptualizing Personality Pathology in DSM-5: Limitations in Evidence for Eliminating Dependent Personality Disorder and Other DSM-IV Syndromes,” 25 (2), p. 235–247, 2011, with S. Huprich, “Beyond Dysfunction and Threshold-Based Classification: A Multidimensional Model of Personality Disorder Diagnosis,” 25 (3), p. 331–337, 2011, and, with S. Huprich and T. Schmitt, “Self-Report Methodology is Insufficient for Improving the Assessment and Classification of Axis II Personality Disorder,” 25 (5), p. 557 – 570, 2011 in the Journal of Personality Disorders; “An Interactionist Perspective on Interpersonal Dependency” in Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20 (2), p. 124–128, 2011; with G. Bonanno, C. Denckla and A. Mancini, “Adaptive and Maladaptive Dependency in Bereavement: Distinguishing Prolonged and Resolved Grief Trajectories” in Personality and Individual Differences, 51 (8), p. 1012–1017, 2011; and, with N. BeckerMatero, “Reconnecting Psychoanalysis to Mainstream Psychology: Metaphor as Glue” in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 31 (2), p. 172–184, 2011. Dr. Bornstein and Lawrence Josephs authored “Beyond the Illusion of Structural Change: A Process Priming Approach to Psychotherapy Outcome Research” in Psychoanalytic Psychology, 28 (3), p. 420–434, 2011.

Jean Lau Chin wrote: “Prologue” in Women of Color in Higher Education: Turbulent Past, Promising Future, p. 391 (Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011); “Women and Leadership: Transforming Visions and Current Contexts” in Forum on Public Policy Online, 2, 2011; and, with M. Eby, D. Rollock, J. Schwartz and F. Worell, “Professional Psychology Training in the Era of a Thousand Flowers: Dilemmas and Challenges for the Future” in Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 5 (2), p. 57–68, 2011. Dr. Chin presented the following: “Leadership Styles of Diverse Lea” at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, WA, January 2011; “Privileging Indigenous Voices: Hearing the Wisdom of Generations” at the 28th Winter Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education; “Privileging Indigenous Voices: Hearing the Wisdom of Generations,” Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, February 2011; “Women and Leadership” at the Oxford Roundtable, Oxford, England, March 2011; “Diversity and Leadership” at the 19th Annual Psychology Conference, Pace University, New York, NY, May 2011, and at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011; and “Mental Health Issues for Chinese Americans” at Peace and Harmony: Reflections from Chinese New Yorkers on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, Asian American/Asian Research Institute at City University of New York, New York, NY, September 2011, and at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011.

Francine Conway wrote, with S. Jones and A. Speakes-Lewis, “Emotional Strain in Caregiving Relations Among African American Grandmothers Raising Their Grandchildren” in the Journal of Women & Aging, 23 (2), p. 113–128, 2011. She and Kate Szymanski published: with M. Oster, “ADHD and Complex Drama: A Descriptive Study of Hospitalized Children in an Urban Psychiatric Hospital” (p. 60–72) and, with L. Sapanski, “Trauma and ADHD—Association or Diagnostic Confusion? A Clinical Perspective” (p. 51–59) in the Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 10 (1), 2011, in which Dr. Conway also wrote the introduction, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and the Psychoanalytic Process” (p. 1–4). Dr. Conway presented the following: “Stress and Heart Disease” at An Ounce of Prevention: Healthy Heart Symposium, Brooklyn, NY, February 2011; with G. Diguillo, S. Lyons and M. Oster, “Object Relations of Hospitalized Children Engaged in Self-Injurious Behaviors” at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Cambridge, MA, March 2011; with L. Shapiro, “The Experience of Parental Loss: Posttraumatic Growth and Interpersonal Closeness” at Division 39 (Psychoanalysis), 31st Annual Spring Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, April 2011; and, with M. Pal, “An Alternative Administration of the MEIM for Multiethnic Individuals” and, with C. Magai and S. Jones, “Friendships and Health Among Ethnically Diverse Older Adults: Relations Between Social Network Changes and Physical Health in Symposium ‘Social Relations Across Time and Context’” at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011.

Rebecca Curtis, with L. Bohm and B. Willock, published the book, Loneliness and Longing: Conscious and Unconscious Aspects (New York: Routledge, 2011). Dr. Curtis published two articles: “Speaking Freely: My Experiences in Individual Psychotherapies, Group Psychotherapies, and Growth Groups” in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67 (8), 2011, and “New Experiences and Meanings: A Model of Change for Psychoanalysis” in Psychoanalytic Psychology, online, 2011. She presented the following: “The Self and Mind of Divergent Therapeutic Modalities: Toward a Unified Paradigm” and “An Integrative Model of Psychological Change: New Experiences and Meaning of Experiences (NEMES)” at the World Congress for Psychotherapy, Sydney, Australia, August 2011; “The Boogie Woogie Rumble of Unconscious Processes: The Mind in Scientific Psychology and Psychoanalysis” at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, November 2011; “Accounts of Unconscious Processes for Clinical Psychologists” at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis, Brookline, MA, November 2011; and, with S. Massie, “Why Patients Say They Stopped Psychotherapy” at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Bern, Switzerland, June 2011.

Laura DeRose cowrote the following: with J. Composto, “Untying Gender Constraints During Adolescence Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied Up” in Sex Roles: Journal of Research, online, 2011; with J. Brooks-Gunn, H. Foster and M. Shiyko, “Associations Between Menarcheal Timing and Behavioral Developmental Trajectories for Girls Age 6 to Age 15” in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40 (10), p. 1329–1342, 2011; and, with A. Allison, P. Hastings, B. klimes-Dougan, E. Shirtcliff, B. Usher and C. zahn-Waxler, “Allostasis and the Development of Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Changing Relations with Physiological Systems Across Adolescence” in Development and Psychopathology, 23 (4), p. 1149–1165, 2011. She presented, with A. Allison, P. Hastings, B. klimes-Dougan, E. Shirtcliff, B. Usher and C. zahn-Waxler, “A Multi-Method Assessment of Emotion in Adolescence: Responding to Stressors”; with S. Levey and M. Shiyko, “Association Between Maternal Depression During Infancy and Adolescent Social Skills: Parental Hostility as a Mediator”; and, with J. BrooksGunn, A. Clement, J. Graber, M. kelly, J. Lee, A. Tyrka and M. Warren, “Neuroendocrine Predictors of Behavioral Adjustment in Boys: Longitudinal Follow-Up of a Community Sample” at the 2011 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 2011.

Katherine Fiori authored, with N. Consedine and E. Merz, “Attachment, Social Network Size, and Patterns of Social Exchange in Later Life” in Research on Aging, 33 (4), p. 465–493, 2011, and, with D. Crisp and T. Windsor, “Personal and Neighborhood Resources, Future Time Perspective, and Social Relations in Middle and Older Adulthood” in the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, online, 2011. Dr. Fiori presented the following: “Positive and Negative Social Exchanges and Mental Health Across the Transition to College” at the 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2011; with D. Crisp and T. Windsor, “Can Positive Social Exchanges Buffer the Negative Effects of Negative Social Exchanges? Age and Gender Differences” at the 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, Boston, MA, November 2011; and, with C. Denckla, “Social Support and Mental Health in Middle-Aged Men and Women: A Multidimensional Approach” at the Society for the Study of Human Development 7th Biennial Meeting, Providence, RI, October 2011 and “Crying in Context: The Influence of Interpersonal Dependency and Social Networks” at Emotions 2011: 5th International Conference on The (Non)Expression of Emotions in Health and Disease, Tilburg, the Netherlands, October 2011.

Jerold Gold, with Adelphi Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus George Stricker, cowrote “Integrative Approaches to Psychotherapy” in Essential Therapies, Third Edition: Theory and Practice, p. 426–459 (New York: The Guilford Press, 2011) and “Failures in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67 (11), p. 1096–1105, 2011. Dr. Gold also wrote “Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy Integration: Introduction and Review of the Literature” in the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 21 (3), p. 221–231, 2011.

Mark Hilsenroth published the following articles: with J. DeFife, “Starting Off on the Right Foot: Common Factor Elements in Early Psychotherapy Process” in the Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 21 (2), p. 172–191, 2011; with M. Diener, J. Sexton and S. Shaffer, “A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between the Rorschach Ego Impairment Index (EII) and Psychiatric Severity” in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18 (6), p. 464–485, 2011; with G. Haggerty, “The Use of Videotape in Psychotherapy Supervision” in the British Journal of Psychotherapy, 27, p. 193–210, 2011; with M. Lehmann, “Evaluating Psychological Insight in a Clinical Sample Using the SWAP” (p. 354–359) and, with J. Owen, “Interaction Between Alliance and Technique in Predicting Patient Outcome During Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” (p. 384–389) in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199 (5/6), 2011; with M. Blagys, M. Blais and J. Slavin-Mulford, “Experiences Related to Expert Supervisors’ Views of Ideal Therapuetic Practice” in Counseling and Psychotherapy Research, 11, p. 97–104, 2011; with C. Siefert, M. Stein and R. Vala-Stewart, “Relationship Between the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) and Attachment Style in a Clinical Sample” in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 18 (6), p. 512–523, 2011; and, with E. Leibing, F. Leichsenring, E. Leweke, S. Rabung and S. Salzer, “Treatment Integrity: An Unresolved Issue in Psychotherapy Research” in Current Psychiatry Review, 7, p. 313–321, 2011. Dr. Hilsenroth, Jerold Gold and Joel Weinberger cowrote, with J. Slavin-Mulford, “Therapeutic Interventions Related to Outcomes in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Anxiety Disorder Patients” in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199 (4), p. 214–221, 2011

Lawrence Josephs published “The Primal Scene in Cross-Species and Cross-Cultural Perspectives” in The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 92 (5), p. 1263–1287, 2011, and “Neurotic Self-Deception as a Reproductive Strategy” in Personality and Psychopathology: Critical Dialogues with David Shapiro, p. 201–215 (New York: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011). He and Robert Bornstein cowrote “Beyond the Illusion of Structural Change: A Process Priming Approach to Psychotherapy Outcome Research” in Psychoanalytic Psychology, 28 (3), p. 420–434, 2011. Dr. Josephs presented “The Dynamics of Sexual Fidelity” at the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists, New York, NY, June 2011.

Morton Kissen authored, with E. Goldvarb, “Group Psychotherapy for Women Suffering from Postpartum Depression” in Group, 35 (3), p. 235–246, 2011. He presented, with S. Danish, “Freud and the Dalai Lama” at the New York State Psychological Association, New York, NY, March 2011.

Robert Mendelsohn wrote “Clutching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Failure, Self-Destruction, and the Icarus Myth” in the Fifth Annual Psychoanalytic Conference: Failure, 2011 and “Projective Identification and Countertransference in Borderline Couples” in Psychoanalytic Review, 98 (3), 2011.

James Nelson published, with L. Gmiendl, P. Reuter-Lorenz and T. Wiggin, “Configural Representations in Spatial Working Memory: Modulation by Perceptual Segregation and Voluntary Attention” in Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73 (7), p. 2130–2142, 2011.

Susan Petry presented “Perceptual Transformation in the Contemplation and Creation of Art with a Focus on Van Gogh’s Self-Portraits” at the Fifth International Symposium, Psychoanalysis and Art, Florence, Italy, May 2011.

Kate Szymanski presented “Witnessing Trauma and Recovery: Myths and Misconceptions” at the Department of Linguistics and Languages, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, August 2011. Dr. Szymanski and Carolyn Springer, with C. Goldstein, presented “Attachment Trauma and Interpersonal Relationships of Child and Adolescent Inpatients” at the 27th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress, Baltimore, MD, November 2011. 

This piece appeared in the Erudition 2012 edition.

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