Adelphi University's Diversity Certificate Program is recognized by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

The Adelphi University Diversity Certificate Program has earned recognition from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The program has been named a District Finalist in the Best Practices in Diversity Programming category from the CASE District II Accolade Awards.

The honor recognizes programming, projects and initiatives that engage diverse constituents and those that contribute to an organizational climate committed to diversity.

Adelphi’s Diversity Certificate Program was launched in 2016 as a way to show the University’s dedication to diversity and to promote a positive, respectful learning environment for all members of the campus community and beyond. To earn a certificate, participants in the voluntary program must complete five workshops, taught by faculty and staff, and a capstone project within three years.

The program has been so successful over the years that it has expanded to local school districts, including Sewanhaka Central High School District and Roosevelt Union Free School District, with plans for more in the future. The implementation of the program in these districts assists teachers in creating more inclusive and understanding classroom environments that help students thrive.

As one of two district finalists, along with the University of Waterloo, Adelphi will move on to the CASE international Platinum Awards competition. Adelphi is in CASE District II, which includes six states—along with Ontario, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Washington, D.C.—and about 700 educational institutions.

See more about the Adelphi Diversity Certificate Program.

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