
Adelphi’s clinical psychology program has been accredited since 1957.

by Bonnie Eissner

Adelphi’s Gordon F. Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, the nation’s first university-based professional school of psychology, has proven its staying power. Last spring, the American Psychological Association reaccredited the Derner Institute doctoral program for the maximum period of seven years.

“I think this is both a recognition of our rich history and an appreciation of the many changes we have recently made,” said J. Christopher Muran, Derner Institute associate dean and director of the clinical training program.

Dr. Muran pointed out that Derner has implemented a new doctoral curriculum, which better prepares graduates for the latest trends in clinical psychology. Among the changes are new sequences in academic courses and practicum training and a new approach to establishing competencies in clinical practice and research.

Adelphi’s clinical psychology program has been accredited since 1957. In 1972, Adelphi established an institute dedicated to the preparation of professional psychologists. The Institute, named for its founding dean Gordon F. Derner, now encompasses doctoral as well as master’s and undergraduate psychology programs.

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