
Adelphi’s chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority (AEPhi) has reached a momentous milestone—the chapter’s 100th anniversary on campus.

This year, Adelphi’s chapter of Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority (AEPhi) reached a momentous milestone—the chapter’s 100th anniversary on campus. Of AEPhi’s more than 100 chapters nationwide, Adelphi’s is the longest standing. The distinction is a point of pride for students and alumnae.

Lisa Gilmore ’85, who collaborated with Robin Reinarz ’86, M.B.A. ’88, to plan a celebration that was held in April, said that she was inspired to meet “the generations prior that created the foundation for a strong, enduring chapter.” Gilmore, a pediatric nurse, is especially grateful to AEPhi for giving her “lifelong friends” and, once she became an alumna, the opportunity to work with women from across the country to provide leadership guidance to active members. Reinarz echoed her, noting that she is still friends and “sisters” with the women she met through AEPhi. Her experience also gave her “incredibly valuable leadership and teamwork skills” that served her well at Adelphi and in her career in the insurance industry.

Marjpina Ramos, the current president of Adelphi’s chapter, said that she and her fellow sisters were excited “to reunite with the sisters who have made this all possible.” She added, “We have so much to be thankful for.”

Two additional Adelphi Greek organizations—the fraternities Kappa Sigma and Phi Sigma Kappa—have hit a significant milestone. Both turned 10 in the past year —Kappa Sigma last September and Phi Sigma Kappa in April.

Happy birthday all!

Members of Adelphi’s Alpha Epsilon Phi chapter, circa 1929

Members of Adelphi’s Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority chapter, 2016. The chapter turns 100 this year.

This piece was published in AU VU, Spring 2016 issue.

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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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