
Congratulations to Danielle Schmal on being the Student Leader of the Month for February 2016.

Danielle Schmal

Danielle Schmal has been very involved in a number of facets this semester including Leadership positions in Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Pi, Peer Educators and Beta Gamma Sigma as well as President of the Finance Society. Danielle has accomplished so much for the Finance Society in her first month of Presidency.  She was able  to secure them opportunities with the New York Stock Exchange and made alumni connections which has been a difficult hurdle for the organization to do over the past four years.  One of her nominees explained Danielle’s success through informing us of Danielle’s motto “Why should I join an organization if I can’t give it my all?”

Nominations are due by the last Friday of each month during the academic semester, nominate someone today. The Center for Student Involvement would also like to thank everyone who nominated a student this month.


For further information, please contact:

Center for Student Involvement
Earle Hall, Lower Level
Rooms 001, 003, 004, 006 and 010
p – 516.877.3603
e –

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