In polls conducted by Campus Recreation this past summer and fall, students voiced their preference for in-person fitness classes and more access to the fitness center, said Linda Gundrum, MS '86, director. In response, Campus Rec is responding to these requests with more in-person classes, new pop-up intramural activities and expanded hours for the fitness center for Spring 2021.
Group Fitness
In Fall 2020, Campus Recreation piloted two socially distant, in-person fitness classes in Woodruff Hall: Zumba and cycle. These classes will be offered this spring along with yoga and strength training. All in-person classes will operate at reduced capacity and have social distancing, mask wearing and other safety measures in place.
The program offers hundreds of classes that are scientifically designed and professionally recorded by Les Mills International instructors.
Students, faculty and staff can work out together in small, physically distanced recorded classes that are part of the Les Mills program. “This allows us to offer a wider variety of group fitness classes than ever before—in a safe manner,” Gundrum said. The Les Mills classes have been offered virtually since May 2020.
In-person classes utilizing Les Mills fitness will include:
- RPM (cycle)
- Body Combat (kickboxing)
- Body Flow (mind/body)
- CX Works (core, abs, functional strength)
- Sh’bam (dance and fun workouts)
- Grit (high-intensity cardio)
Campus Rec’s own instructors will continue to hold live, in-person classes on Zoom. The Zoom classes can also be accessed later via Campus Rec’s YouTube library of recorded classes.
View the group fitness class schedule and sign up through IMLeagues, which is accessible through eCampus.
Pop-Up Intramural Sports
Campus Recreation is holding a series of pop-up intramural sports activities, such as whiffle ball, badminton, dodgeball, kickball, tennis and soccer.
“The activities are deemed low risk according to the New York state guidelines for recreation and sports,” said Gundrun, “and will employ safety measures such as reduced players allowed in the activity at one time, COVID screening, temperature checks and mask wearing.”
Virtual Sports (video game) tournaments will be offered with two subleagues on both the Xbox and PlayStation 5 console platforms.
View the schedule of activities (subject to change) and register for a time slot through IMLeagues which is accessible through eCampus.
Recreation Facility Hours and Opportunities Expanded
Campus Recreation has expanded the fitness center hours to 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays. In addition, functional training and freecycle will be available at 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., when the fitness center is closed, providing additional times and locations for physical activity.
Reserve the area you’d like to use through IMLeagues.
The indoor track is open for use Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Center for Recreation and Sports gymnasium is generally open from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays, unless otherwise noted.