
What is juicy, crisp, and sweet? Our Food of the Month: Apples

applesBy Diane Dembicki, Ph.D., College of Nursing and Public Health

What is juicy, crisp, and sweet? Our Food of the Month: Apples

Ever have a Pink Lady? That’s a variety of apple (see video linked below). Apples are in season now—the best time to eat them fresh—so visit your local farmer’s market, or better yet visit a local farm and enjoy the fresh air and exercise while picking them yourself. Why does “an apple a day keep the doctor away”? Maybe it’s the fiber and antioxidants.

It is the No. 3 listed food on Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter “51 Healthy Foods you Can Say ‘Yes’ To“.

View this mouth-watering video about variety, storage and cooking apples, along with some healthy recipes from Cooking Light magazine.


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