Dear Adelphi Community,
Out of an abundance of caution, the Adelphi University Garden City Campus, and the Hauppauge, Manhattan and Hudson Valley Centers will be closed on Thursday, June 8, 2023 due to air quality issues forecasted to affect our region over the next 24 to 36 hours.
After careful conversation, Adelphi’s leadership team has made the decision to continue to utilize the same school closing protocols used in the past. Under these protocols, we will close University operations, including all instruction (both virtual and in person), scheduled meetings and support services, for the day.
In deciding whether to close or keep open Adelphi’s Garden City campus and its centers, the University closely monitors the weather forecasts and works with local and state emergency services, including the Nassau County Office of Emergency Management. We also work in concert with other Long Island schools and universities. In making these difficult decisions, the safety of the entire Adelphi community is our highest priority.
As noted in an email earlier today from University Health and Wellness:
- The Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for Long Island, New York City Metro, Lower Hudson Valley, Upper Hudson Valley, Adirondacks, Eastern Lake Ontario, and Central New York regions.
- You can view the most current Air Quality Index for New York regions online. To find the air quality for your specific area, visit www.airnow.gov.
- New York state Governor Kathy Hochul has communicated that experts are monitoring our air quality and advising individuals with air quality sensitivities to take steps to limit exposure.
Working together as a community, we will continue to ensure a safe environment for everyone at Adelphi University.
John Siderakis
Chief Administrative Officer