
ABC News Radio Vice President and General Manager Steve Jones '89 shares his career insights.

Steve Jones '89, VP and GM of ABC News RadioWe invited Adelphi alumni who are part of the University’s Alumni Mentoring Program to share their career insights with Adelphi University Magazine readers.

Last week, we brought you Scott Dimig ’06, the director of pop/dance promotion at Epic Records/SONY Music.

This week’s respondent is Steve Jones ’89, vice president and general manager of ABC News Radio.

What has been your most embarrassing professional moment and what did you learn from it?
On a June day in 1998, our newsroom was listening to live audio from the floor of Congress when Rep. Bob Stump said something like: “I have just learned that comedian Bob Hope has died.”  Based on the Congressman’s announcement, we did a special report with a pre-produced obituary that ran several minutes. Simultaneously, we called the Hope family’s residence where they told us Mr. Hope was enjoying breakfast and very much alive.  My job was to run in to the studio to tell the newscaster before the special report ended that Bob Hope was not dead. Awkward! We learned never again to report anything we had not confirmed ourselves. 

What is the worst career advice you’ve received?
Choosing expedience over excellence rarely is a good idea. So, when advised to take short cuts, I usually choose not to.   

Which is more important: making money or loving what you do?
In the short-term, loving what you do is more important. And, in the long-term, loving what you do will lead to better compensation and a more fulfilling career that meets your needs.

How much of your day do you spend on social media and what is your favorite platform?
I check Twitter for news and industry trends regularly, manage LinkedIn once a day and check Facebook a couple of times a day. I like all three for different reasons.

What is the most important business trend of the decade?
In my business, it’s the growing consumption of media on mobile devices. Smart phones and tablets are how people watch, read and listen to content. It’s changing the way content is produced and advertising is sold.

What is the most ridiculous management theory you’ve heard or have been asked to follow?
Consolidation has long been preached as a way to drive efficiency and increase scale. In the radio industry, many feel consolidation has come at the expense of creativity and differentiation. Much of local radio is under-resourced and unable to cover the community it serves. This has made radio stations less relevant resulting in decreased listening and, ultimately, reduced revenue.  

What makes a résumé stand out?
Brevity, clarity and creativity.

What turns you off from a résumé?
Misspelling or poor grammar.

What is the best way to pass time on a long commute?
Listening to digital radio, preferably ABC News or ABC Radio!

Follow Steve Jones on social media.
Twitter: @stevejonesabc

Part of the Adelphi University Magazine Ask a Mentor Series

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Strategic Communications Director 
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