
Adaptive Leadership Strategies President and CEO Brenda Harrington shares her career insights.

Brenda HarringtonWe invited Adelphi alumni who are part of the University’s Alumni Mentoring Program to share their career insights with Adelphi University Magazine readers.

Last week’s edition featured Med School Tutors Co-Founder and Executive Director Robert Meekins ’06. This week, we bring you Brenda Harrington ’79, the president and CEO of Adaptive Leadership Strategies. Ms. Harrington and her team provide a variety of consulting services, from leadership coaching to talent management and recruiting. 

Which is more important: making money or loving what you do? Loving what you do definitely trumps making money!

How much of your day do you spend on social media and what is your favorite platform? I spend minimal time on social media, but the time I do spend is on LinkedIn.

What is the most important business trend of the decade? Transformation of the traditional office/workplace to create spaces more conducive to collaboration, creative thought and learning.

What is the most ridiculous management theory you’ve heard or have been asked to follow? Perhaps Situational Leadership, which suggests varying management style to fit a particular circumstance. Though different circumstances require different approaches, I believe a person’s leadership style is his/her single most important professional asset.

What has been your most embarrassing professional moment and what did you learn from it? A colleague who was representing my team showed up for a presentation totally unprepared. I learned that when working with others, it is important to always set and manage expectations rather than to assume everyone will respond as I would to a given situation.

What makes a résumé stand out? A concise, easy to understand outline of accomplishments and capabilities, ideally provided as specific responses to position or opportunity

What turns you off from a résumé? Lack of substance and over-the-top adjectives that describe personal characteristics and aspirations

What is the best way to pass time on a long commute? Brain exercises, short digestible books (in print or audio) that can be covered within a few trips. Depending on the circumstances, journaling and planning can also be good as long as it is not too distracting.

Follow Brenda Harrington on Social Media:
LinkedIn: Brenda Harrington

Previous entries in the Ask a Mentor Series:
Epic Records executive Scott Dimig ’06
ABC News Radio Vice President and General Manager Steve Jones ’89
Adelphi Career Center Assistant Director of Experiential Learning Bernadine Waller, M.A. ’10
Private Wifi Social Media Manager Jillian Ryan ’07
Caesars Entertainment Corporation Corporate Manager of Instructional Design Tara Rohloff-Bodine ’02
Med School Tutors Co-Founder and Executive Director Robert Meekins ’06

Part of the Adelphi University Magazine Ask a Mentor Series

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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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