Daniel Kaplan's research on dementia is providing a roadmap of hope for family and caregivers, and battles a lack of understanding of this often-stigmatized neurological condition.

Dementia affects not only the afflicted person, but everyone around them. Family members and friends also struggle with worry, grief and despair in the face of this debilitating disorder, often for many years.

Daniel B. Kaplan

Because 90 percent of dementia care is provided in the home by loved ones, Daniel B. Kaplan, Ph.D., assistant professor of social work at Adelphi, is committed to researching effective interventions for those affected by the disorder. While Dr. Kaplan studies many different aspects of dementia—from psychological burdens and elder mistreatment to health services and home-based care—the common thread in his research is hope.

Dr. Kaplan teaches a new graduate-level class, Social Work Practice With People Living With Dementia, that helps students understand the syndrome’s causes and impacts, as well as how to provide effective care and counseling to all involved. He offers a reassuring road map for supporting families as they navigate this uncertain path and work to master the most effective care and coping techniques.

» Learn more about Dr. Kaplan’s work.

For further information, please contact:

School of Social Work
p – 516.877.4300

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