Adelphi University, garden city campus aerial view

Adelphi University Executive Leadership is pleased to announce that Chief Human Resources Officer John Siderakis is now overseeing the newly formed division of University Human Resources, Safety and Administration. Vice President of University Wellness, Safety and Administration Gene Palma will retire on February 1. 

The new division comprises the Office of Human Resources, the Department of Public Safety and Transportation, the Office of Community Concerns and Resolution, Title IX Office, and the University Mail Center. Combined, the division’s resources are dedicated to ensuring a supportive, responsive, respectful, and safe Adelphi community.

Vice President of Student Affairs Sentwali Bakari continues to oversee University Health and Wellness which includes health services, infectious disease prevention and control, the Mindfulness Center, student counseling, and environmental health and safety. Additionally, Dr. Bakari will oversee the Office of Auxiliary Services, which includes campus dining, event services, and the University Bookstore. 

The Adelphi community thanks Gene Palma for his 24 years of service and expert leadership. He led Adelphi through major emergencies including the September 11 attacks, Superstorm Sandy and the COVID-19 pandemic and, most recently, built and launched the Offices of University Health and Wellness and Community Concerns and Resolution. 

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