Students at a desk studying with books around.

The U.S. Department of Labor indicates that the demand for translators and interpreters will grow at least 18 percent through 2026.

In our global world, English/Spanish translation skills are needed in a wide variety of jobs in school, business and medical settings. Beyond teaching English or Spanish to children, those proficient in both languages are in demand in the business world, where they work interpreting business agreements and contracts, creating effective communication with employees, business partners and customers. In the medical field, translators interpret medical records and data and facilitate the doctor-patient relationship. Federal and local governments need translations of various legal documents—such as marriage and birth records, academic credentials, voter registrations, and court records—for Spanish-speaking immigrants.

Adelphi University’s Certificate in English to Spanish Translation Studies empowers bilingual individuals seeking to change careers or enter new careers that are in high demand. The program is available to the public and prepares graduates to take the American Translators Association (ATA) certification exam. The entire certificate can be completed in six to eight months.

The global language industry is projected to grow to $45 billion over the next few years and this program presents an incredible career opportunity for bilingual individuals seeking a dynamic and exciting career. Learn more and download a brochure about Adelphi University’s online Certificate in English to Spanish Translation, or call us at 888.252.4110 to talk with one of our enrollment counselors. Our fall program is scheduled to start on November 1, 2021.

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