Guidance may have evolved. Visit our COVID-19 website for the current information.

Dear Students and Families,

Since March 2020, the University has recognized the ongoing challenges faced by many of our students and families as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. To aid our students over the last two semesters, we have not canceled or reduced undergraduate merit scholarships for failure to maintain the minimum GPA—largely due to the inequitable learning environment created by COVID-19.

During this time, we’ve also been able to reflect on our gift aid policies and determine how to best support student success moving forward.

With the support of faculty, staff and administration, I am pleased to report that, effective immediately, Adelphi University has removed its minimum GPA requirements tied to retaining academic scholarships (typically a 3.0–3.5 GPA and above). Students who received an academic scholarship at the time of admission must now maintain satisfactory academic progress (which includes a minimum passing GPA of 2.0 and successful completion of 18 credits per academic year) in order to retain their academic scholarship. Select academic majors may require certain GPAs and course grades to maintain satisfactory progress in that degree. It is expected that students will continue to meet those requirements. Terms and conditions can be viewed online at any time.

It is our hope that the elimination of this stressor will allow students the full ability to pick courses required for their degree based on what they wish to learn and what will be most helpful to their career—not on the basis of what will allow them to maintain their scholarship.

Additionally, we are highly confident that our students will continue to be motivated to achieve classroom success by postgraduation goals such as access to medical school, fellowships and graduate programs.

If you are a student who has had your scholarship reduced or canceled during your academic career at Adelphi, you can expect your full award to be reinstated for this semester and beyond.

We are proud of this University decision as we continue to advance student retention and student success to the fullest extent possible.

If you have any questions, please email

Kristen Capezza, MBA ’12
Vice President
Enrollment Management and University Communications

Dr. Everett Signature

Steve Everett, DMA
Provost and Executive Vice President

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