
From April 14-18, 2019, fourteen AU students will represent Lithuania at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York.

From April 14-18, 2019, fourteen Adelphi students taking Prof. Katie Laatikainen’s National Model United Nations class represented Lithuania in diplomatic simulations at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York City. They joined more than 4,000 students from more than 40 countries that traveled to the United Nations Headquarters in New York for four intensive days of negotiations on a variety of global issues. The conference included a visit to the Lithuanian Mission to the UN as well as final sessions at the United Nations General Assembly Hall. This year, three Adelphi students won position paper awards. Congratulations to MacKenzie Banks (Political Science major), Courtney Thrun (International Studies major & Levermore Global Scholar), and Abbey Durning (Political Science major)! We are so proud of our students for all the skill, effort, and diplomacy they displayed.

Did you know that the NMUN course is not the only way for students to see the United Nations? Political Science faculty generally invite and sponsor political science and international studies students on a guided tour of the United Nations annually.

National Model United Nations group photo outside in front of flags

For further information, please contact:

Department of Political Science
Blodgett Hall Room 202
p – 516.877.4590

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