A woman in cap and gown holds her diploma and smiles widely. The diploma case reads "Adelphi University." The insignia superimposed to the left reads "Best Colleges 10 Years: Colleges of Distinction 2024–2025
Adelphi's initiatives to help students excel and graduate have earned us several College of Distinction awards for 2024–2025 and recognition in the Fiske Guide to Colleges 2025.

Adelphi University has been recognized for its outstanding student support initiatives, programs and success by Colleges of Distinction and the Fiske Guide to Colleges.

Bets Colleges for 10 Years: Colleges of Distinction 2024-2025Adelphi has received several 2024–2025 Colleges of Distinction awards. This year, the University was recognized in the categories of New York College of Distinction, Private, Business, Education, Nursing, Career Development, Equity and Inclusion, and Military Support.

The University has also been featured in the Fiske Guide to Colleges 2025. Released annually, the Fiske Guide to Colleges offers profiles of more than 300 of the “best and most interesting” colleges in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Fully updated and expanded each year, the Fiske Guide to Colleges is a top resource for college-bound students and their parents.Featured in Fiske Guide to Colleges 2025

“Our recognition from both of these organizations underscores Adelphi University’s extraordinary academic programming in some of the most relevant and fastest-growing disciplines available to college students today,” says Christopher Storm, PhD, provost and executive vice president. “We are excited to realize the outcomes of our relentless focus on student success, articulated in our strategic plan. As a result, we lead our peers in the important areas of professional and career development, equity and inclusion, and military support.”

See more about Adelphi’s recent awards and rankings.

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