
Christine M. Riordan, PhD, president of Adelphi University, has been named to two new leadership roles in New York educational organizations: vice chair of the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) and secretary/treasurer of the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE).

Christine M. Riordan, PhD, president of Adelphi University, has been named to two new leadership roles in New York educational organizations: vice chair of the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) and secretary/treasurer of the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE).

Founded in 1956 by a small group of private, not-for-profit college and university presidents, CICU now represents 100-plus independent campuses across New York state. Although not a government agency, CICU is an educational corporation formed under the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. Its mission is to develop consensus among a diverse membership and to advance higher education public policy.

“I am grateful to President Riordan for accepting this role and I know she will be a tremendous asset as vice chair,” said Mary Beth Labate, CICU president. “She has proven herself to be a bold and steady leader and I look forward to her bringing those attributes to this role.”

In addition to being named secretary/treasurer of LIRACHE, President Riordan also serves on the council’s board of trustees and steering committee.

The Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education is dedicated to improving educational effectiveness through inter-institutional cooperation. Along with providing information to guidance counselors, students and parents on admissions, athletics, disabilities services, career services and financial aid, LIRACHE partners with area school superintendents to foster a seamless transition from primary and secondary education to college, focusing on skill sets for math, science, writing and comprehension.

“We’re pleased that Dr. Riordan agreed to join the LIRACHE Executive Council and serve with colleagues in this capacity,” said the organization’s executive director, Heather Shivokevich. “The consortium of Long Island colleges and universities continues to improve the quality of and access to higher education, and collectively works with our many partners to raise student attainment rates in the region.”

The first woman to serve as president of Adelphi, Dr. Riordan is an internationally recognized expert in leadership development, diversity and inclusion, and team performance. Since beginning her appointment as the University’s 10th president in July 2015, she has worked with colleagues from across the institution to establish priorities in enrollment and revenue generation, campus engagement, and diversity and inclusion.

Dr. Riordan led the establishment of Adelphi’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion and initiated a Diversity Certificate training program. The University has also significantly increased the diversity of its teaching faculty in new hires the last several years—and has welcomed some of the most diverse and largest first-year classes in Adelphi’s history. Dr. Riordan has also enhanced the concept of neurodiversity at Adelphi, focusing on services and programs such as Bridges to Adelphi, which helps students on the autism spectrum to achieve success.

Prior to coming to Adelphi, Dr. Riordan was provost at the University of Kentucky and dean of the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver. She has published more than 60 academic and business press articles and has been named to the Long Island Press Power List as well as City and State New York‘s Power 100. She consults regularly with organizations and is a frequent speaker on leadership, strategy, diversity and inclusion, and team performance.

See more about President Riordan, CICU and LIRACHE.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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