Adelphi University has been ranked a 2024 Best College in the United States by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)/College Pulse.
Adelphi University in New York on Long Island is ranked 142 out of the top 400 universities on the recently released Wall Street Journal/College Pulse 2024 Best Colleges in the U.S. list, making it the highest-ranked university on Long Island and number 12 among colleges and universities in New York state. Compared to other regional institutions, Adelphi ranked higher than Stony Brook University (149), St. John’s University (161), New York University (166) and Hofstra (306).
Working with data scientists at Statista, the new WSJ/College Pulse rankings utilize recent student surveys and data to put colleges on a level playing field by comparing the outcomes of each school’s graduates to what those students were likely to achieve regardless of the school they attended.
According to The WSJ, the rankings took into account how much the college improves its students’ chances of graduating on time, and how much it will improve their salaries after they receive their degrees.
This year, Adelphi University earned high scores relative to peer universities for its student outcomes, including graduation rate and salary impact versus similar colleges.
This ranking shines a spotlight on the value of an Adelphi education, including the transformative learning environment and opportunities that we provide to our students in support of their success.
Read more about Adelphi’s top college rankings in these and other outlets.