While it was a challenging and in many ways tragic year, 2020 also saw Adelphi University and its community highlighted in the news media at a high level.
Here are 20+ stories that made headlines this year — and we wish everyone a good-news 2021!
- Inside Higher Ed, Ditching the Syllabus Monologue
Traci Levy, PhD, associate professor of political science and department chair, shares four tips for improving the first day of class in an op-ed.
- The Washington Post, Room with an ‘ahh’: Colleges are giving students their own space to decompress
Mitch Nagler, MA ’06, then-director of Bridges to Adelphi, is quoted about the importance of sensory rooms on college campuses.
- University Business, 3 keys to managing higher ed leadership—and family
Kristen Capezza, MBA ’12, vice president for enrollment management and University communications, shares her tips for balancing work and family life in an op-ed.
- CBS This Morning, College seniors face uncertain futures amid coronavirus pandemic: “It’s just really scary thinking about that”
Nursing student Morgan Luibrand shares her story in a feature about how college seniors are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
- U.S. News & World Report, A Guide to Calling in Sick
MaryAnne Hyland, PhD, associate dean for undergraduate programs and student success, shares her expertise in an article about the proper etiquette for calling in sick to work.
- Associated Press, Losing face: The rise of the mask, and what’s lost behind it
Fan Liu, PhD, assistant professor of decision sciences and marketing, shares her expertise on nonverbal communication. The story was also featured in more than 250 other media outlets, including The New York Times, ABC News and Yahoo, along with a related piece in Fast Company.
- Psychology Today, COVID-19: A New Normal for Those on the Autistic Spectrum?
Stephen Shore, EdD, clinical assistant professor in Adelphi’s College of Education and Health Sciences, authors a blog about the impact of COVID-19 on individuals with autism.
- Associated Press, After virus, how will Americans’ view of the world change?
Jonathan Cristol, PhD, Levermore Global Scholars research fellow at Adelphi, is quoted in a story about how the coronavirus pandemic will affect globalization, which ran in at least 50 news outlets nationwide.
- CBS New York, International College Students Still Stranded In U.S. As Coronavirus Travel Bans Continue
Due to the pandemic, some international students remained on Adelphi’s campus, unable to return to their home countries. The experience of one student and the efforts of the International Services team to help are chronicled.
- Broadway World, Adelphi Students, Alumni to Present Live Virtual Theater Production About Life in Quarantine
Too Solid Flesh, a new virtual Adelphi University Performing Arts Center production written by Megan Lohne ’04 and directed by Shoshanah Tarkow ’09, is featured.
- U.S. News & World Report, 5 Ways Retirees Can Earn Money Without Leaving Home
Rakesh Gupta, associate professor of decision sciences and marketing, shares his expertise in a story about how retirees can earn money from the safety of their homes.
- The New York Times, A Life in Football, From Glory to Pain
A Short Move, a new novel by Katherine Hill, assistant professor of English, is reviewed.
- Parade, Thank You, Neighbor: 50+ Good News Stories From All 50 States
Daniel Lim, PhD, assistant professor of psychology, is quoted in an article about the inspiring stories coming out of communities around the country.
- The New York Times, A 1978 Play Plucked From the Slush Pile Gets a Timely New Reading
Kermit Frazier, professor emeritus of English, is featured in a story about his first play, Kernel of Sanity, which is getting renewed attention.
- Nonprofit Quarterly, Colleges Mull Whether to Hold Classes on Campus as Fall Approaches
Adelphi President Christine M. Riordan shares her insights on reopening colleges and universities for Fall 2020 amid COVID-19.
- Parents, 7 Ways to Better Prepare Kids for Virtual Learning
Joaniko Kohchi, director of Adelphi’s Institute for Parenting, shares her thoughts about preparing children for some level of remote learning in the upcoming school year.
- University Business, Why colleges are launching virtual gap years
Adelphi’s new Gap Year Experience program and Innovation Center are featured.
- Fortune, Joe Biden’s child care plan will benefit working families—but basic income would help even more
An op-ed by Elizabeth Palley, JD, PhD, professor of social work, about Joe Biden’s child care plan was published in Fortune magazine. The op-ed also appeared in The Hill.
- The New York Times, The Benefits of Talking to Strangers
Katherine Fiori, PhD, associate professor and Department of Psychology chair, is quoted and her research is cited in a story about the social connections that older adults need.
- University Business, Campus public safety demands inclusivity, too
Ray Hughes ’82, executive director of the Adelphi Department of Public Safety and Transportation, discusses the importance of inclusivity and diversity in college public safety departments in an op-ed.
- Mashable, Being bisexual can impact your mental health. Here’s what you can do about it.
Geoffrey Ream, PhD, associate professor of social work, is quoted extensively in an article about bisexuality and mental health.
- Fast Company, These 5 myths about resilience might be hurting your ability to cope
Josh Altman, PhD, associate director of the Student Counseling Center, shared his expertise in a story about the myths surrounding resilience.
- New York Daily News, What New York farmworkers have earned: Pay them for overtime, despite what farm owners have said in unfair hearings
An op-ed co-written by Margaret Gray, PhD, associate professor and department chair of political science, deals with New York farmworkers’ labor rights.
- Newsday, The ‘shadow pandemic’ devastating Black women
Bernadine Waller, MA ’10, associate director of experiential learning at Adelphi’s Center for Career and Professional Development, social work doctoral student and adjunct professor, examines domestic violence, particularly afflicting Black women, in an op-ed.
- Associated Press, Rethinking The Holidays: Traditions, Change Are On The Table
Hanna Kim, PhD, associate professor and Department of Anthropology chair, is quoted in a story about reimagining holidays and traditions during the pandemic. The piece appeared in nearly 300 outlets around the world, including U.S. News & World Report and The Washington Post.
- Medium, Did Anyone Else Just Feel a Surge of, Like, Wellness?
Deborah Serani, PsyD, adjunct professor of psychology, shares her expertise in an article on self-care. The story appeared on several other websites as well.
- News12, LI colleges working to send students home for Thanksgiving break with negative COVID-19 tests
K.C. Rondello, MD, clinical associate professor, and three College of Nursing and Public Health students are featured in a story about COVID-19 testing and staying safe on campus as they prepared to go home for break. Dr. Rondello was frequently quoted during the year in The News York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, and many others — see a collection of stories.
- Huffington Post, 6 Subtle Signs You’re Dealing With Seasonal Depression
Deborah Serani, PsyD, adjunct professor of psychology, shares her expertise in a piece about the signs of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It appeared on other sites, including MSN. Dr. Serani has been quoted frequently during the year in national media, including via Mashable, Associated Press, the L.A. Times, ABC News, Forbes and many others.
- Fox 5 New York, Inspiration for nursing students
Adelphi and Nursing and Public Health Dean Elaine Smith, Ed.D., are featured in a story about nursing students being inspired by frontline health care workers.Â
- ABC News, Masks save lives, but may hinder communication
Communication Sciences and Disorders faculty members Melissa Randazzo and Laura Koenig are quoted in a story about how masks may be impacting communication and overall health.