
If there's one thing I've learned during my time at Adelphi, it's that paying it forward plays a huge role on campus. That's why Adelphi Gives Back Month is so important here.

by Cari Costa ’16

During my time at Adelphi, I have learned that paying it forward is something that almost every person on campus values. It’s something that, personally, I have always loved, but since I’ve been at Adelphi I’ve only grown more passionate for the idea. That is why Adelphi Gives Back Month is such a big deal here.

CoinDrive4When I transferred to Adelphi three years ago, I wasn’t sure where to begin when it came to getting involved. All I knew was that I wanted to form bonds with my new peers and become part of something bigger than myself. I became involved in Greek Life, which was my personal launching pad to become not only more involved on campus, but within the community as well. One of the core values of Adelphi’s Greek organizations is service, and it’s one that I take seriously.

CoinDrive2Now, as the president of Delta Delta Delta, I see how important it is to give back to the campus and the community. Adelphi Gives Back Month is something that our members look forward to and actively participate in. It’s a great way to make a difference and build relationships with fellow members of the Adelphi community.

Having had the opportunity to participate in several of these events through the years, I’ve gotten to experience some great events and have a lot of fun while doing so.

One event I’ve personally enjoyed, and look forward to, is the Quarter Mile Coin Drive, hosted by the Relay for Life Student Committee. The goal is to collect enough coins, either by donating them yourself or running through campus searching for people willing to contribute, to stretch a quarter mile. Teams then work together to lay all of their coins out in a straight line on strips of crepe paper that are cut at exactly a quarter mile, vying to be the first to reach the finish line. All Relay for Life teams are able to participate, and the first team to reach the end gets all of the collected money donated to their team.

Our sorority’s relay team won the drive last year, which was amazing, but just getting to participate was fun! Working as a team to collect coins for such a great cause was an amazing experience, and one of my favorite memories at Adelphi. I can’t wait to do it again this year!

Adelphi Gives Back Month 2016 runs until April 1. For a complete listing of events, visit the Center for Student Involvement. 

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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