
"When you lose so much, it’s almost impossible to be made whole again.”

Adelphi’s Meghan McPherson, adjunct professor of emergency management and assistant director of the Center for Health Innovation, recently spoke to the LI Herald about the catastrophic Louisiana floods, which have damaged more than 40,000 homes, stranded 30,000 people and led to 13 deaths.

 “The scope of this is astronomical,” McPherson told the LI Herald. “This is a compounding trauma, because many of the families who were traumatized by Katrina and had to flee, they fled to higher ground in Baton Rouge and now lost everything again.”   

McPherson also praised a local drive to collect school supplies and gift cards.

“The school supplies will help these kids have some semblance of normalcy,” she said. “As we remember, not only do they have nothing at home, but they also lost all their school supplies.”

McPherson added, “It will take years for people to recover there. They’re still recovering in New Orleans, and we’re still recovering from Sandy, and there’s no set timeline for recovery. There’s a misconception that people will be able to be made whole — but when you lose so much, it’s almost impossible to be made whole again.”

Read the full LI Herald article.

2016 Louisiana Floods, Courtesy of LI Herald

“It will take years for people to recover there,” said Adelphi’s Megan McPherson about the Louisiana floods. Photo published by “LI Herald.”


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Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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