Campus Pride Index: 2022 5 stars for Adelphi University for being an LGBTQ-Friendly Campus

Adelphi University has achieved a five-star rating on the Campus Pride Index for 2022—a perfect score.

According to Campus Pride, Adelphi has scored 93 percent for overall campus pride, 92 percent for sexual orientation and 94 percent for gender identity and expression, all up from last year. Read the full rating breakdown.

The Campus Pride Index is the premier national LGBTQIA+ benchmarking tool and overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQIA+-inclusive policy, program and practice.

“In less than five years, Adelphi has gone from three to five stars on the Campus Pride rating,” said R. Sentwali Bakari, PhD, vice president for student affairs at Adelphi. “This achievement is a primary example of our commitment to incremental change year over year to create a truly inclusive and welcoming environment for our LGBTQIA+ community.”

Since its creation in 2009, the Adelphi Pride committee has addressed challenges, influenced University policies and changed student procedures to promote the acceptance, respect and inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community. In conjunction with University partners, some of the group’s achievements include gender-inclusive campus housing and bathrooms, rainbow pride and transgender flags on campus, transgender awareness events, specialized training for students and staff, and counseling and support groups for the community and its allies.

Primary initiatives that increased Adelphi’s status this year include the University’s new Multicultural Center, the shift of the gender studies minor to the gender and sexuality studies minor, establishment of a scholarship and funding opportunity for students to attend an LGBTQIA+ conference, and the formation of a new student organization, Beyond the Binary.

Learn more about Adelphi Pride.

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