
One of Adelphi University's shuttle buses that was once used as a Panther Express vehicle, transporting Adelphi students to and from campus daily, is now a newly refurbished Garden City Police Department (GCPD) command post vehicle.

Garden City Police Department Shuttle Bus

One of Adelphi University’s shuttle buses has a new look and a new home with the Garden City Police Department (GCPD).

What was once used as a Panther Express vehicle, transporting Adelphi students to and from campus daily, is now a newly refurbished Garden City Police Department (GCPD) command post vehicle.

Earlier this year, Kenneth Jackson, commissioner of the GCPD, expressed the need for a new vehicle for his department. Around that same time, Adelphi was due to replace one of its shuttle buses. Instead of disposing of the vehicle, Adelphi’s Gene Palma, chief administrative officer and associate vice president; Jim Perrino, executive vice president of finance and administration; President Christine M. Riordan; and the Department of Public Safety and Transportation decided that the University would donate the vehicle to the GCPD for transformation. Commissioner Jackson gladly accepted the donation.

“We not only appreciate the fact that Adelphi donated the bus to assist us in our community efforts, but we were also ecstatic to find out just how well the vehicle ran as well as the excellent overall condition of the interior and exterior of the vehicle,” said Commissioner Jackson.

The exterior of the bus has been repainted and retrofitted with emergency lights, sirens and police decals. In addition, a generator, refrigerator, an emergency management monitor, workstations and a temporary holding area have been added to the interior.

“We are approximately 90 percent completed in our conversion from a school bus to a command bus, which is currently being used at special details and enforcement details,” said Commissioner Jackson.

The new command bus has already been used in many events and emergencies and it has performed “admirably,” said Commissioner Jackson.

“Adelphi has enjoyed an excellent working relationship with the Village of Garden City and their police department,” said Robert Hughes, executive director of Adelphi’s Department of Public Safety and Transportation, who helped facilitate the donation. “We have forged a special bond with Commissioner Kenneth Jackson and the fine members of his department.”

“The command bus looks very professional and has been well received by the public,” said Commissioner Jackson.

“We have seen the vehicle in action and we are proud that we were able to offer assistance to our partners in keeping us safe,” said Hughes.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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