Dear Adelphi Community,
With a heavy heart, I address you in the wake of recent events in Israel this weekend. Witnessing the unfolding developments has invoked deep sorrow, with concerns for the loss of life among Jewish and Palestinian communities. In this challenging time, our collective and steadfast hope is a resolution that brings peace and humanity.
As a community built on the pillars of inclusivity, diversity, respect, and care, let us find solace with each other and unite in the hope of a swift end to this conflict. Our University’s commitment to fostering a campus culture of empathy and peace compels us to extend support to one another and engage in ongoing education about the situation’s complexities.
Students, as you prepare to be critical thinkers and citizens of the world, we acknowledge the world is marked by complexity, diverse perspectives, and challenging global events. Despite these challenges, you have the unique opportunity to contribute, in your individual capacities, to a world characterized by compassion, understanding, and unity.
Recognizing the emotional toll these events may take on many of us, I wish to remind you of the many resources available to support you, which I share below. Your well-being is paramount, and our collective strength lies in our ability to lean on each other during trying times. Our Interfaith Center is planning a prayer vigil for peace later this week; I will share these plans with our community soon.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to all members of the Adelphi community for your unwavering commitment to sustaining an environment where compassion and hope for peace are esteemed in the face of daunting and challenging global events.
Resources for Support and Connection:
- Center for Psychological Services — the Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology offers psychotherapy services, which are free for all Adelphi students. Call 516.877.4820.
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) — Counseling resources via Cigna’s EAP are free for all employees. Call 877.622.4327 or visit MyCigna.com.
- Interfaith Center — Our interfaith chaplains offer a welcoming space for individuals of any faith who seek spiritual guidance and support. Call 516.877.3113 or email auinterfaith@adelphi.edu.
- Student Counseling Center — Call 516.877.3646 or email scc@adelphi.edu for counseling or support. In case of emergencies and crises, keep these resources on hand.
With warm regards and a shared hope for a more peaceful world,
R. Sentwali Bakari, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging