News at Adelphi
- Research & Creative Works,
- Honors College
At Adelphi, research is highly valued for undergrads as well as graduate students. This summer, six undergraduates are making new discoveries—inside and out of the lab.
Senior Honors College student MacKenzie Pina joined a prestigious dig at Sibiloi National Park in Kenya over the summer. Her experience there is an example of Adelphi's emphasis on undergraduate research. "I could not have been better introduced to fieldwork if I had asked," she said.
Rising junior Danelya Zholdasbekova's path to Adelphi was unexpected. While searching the internet for top New York business schools, the Kazakhstan native said she was attracted by descriptions of Adelphi's “close-knit, diverse community, its Honors College, scholarship opportunities, and beautiful campus and location."
Adelphi Students to Showcase Scholarship and Creativity at Virtual Conference—AKA Research Day
CategoriesPublished:Each spring, the Adelphi community comes together to celebrate student scholarship and creativity during the annual Scholarship and Creative Works Conference.
Adelphi instructors and students aren't only making the best of remote learning during the time of pandemic. In some cases, they're taking advantage of it and building on it.
In 2016, two Adelphi University anthropology faculty members, working in Alaska with student collaborators, found a virtually complete, 14,000-year-old tusk of what may have been one of the last woolly mammoths on the Alaska mainland. At the time, it was thought to offer clues as to why the mammal later went extinct.
New insights into the impact of college sports on athletes’ voices.
The United States insisted the Taliban hand bin Laden over if they wanted to gain diplomatic recognition—a moment, Jonathan Cristol, PhD, argues, that represented another consequential fork in the road.
Music students Dori-Jo Gutierrez and Kevin Lubin turn Walt Whitman's poetry into song for the poet's 200th birthday celebration.
Dirt covered the hands of Queens, New York, native Julio RuizDiaz last summer as he excavated artifacts in the Alaskan wilderness.
The study concluded that transgender health can be greatly improved by supportive families and a strong social support system.
This physics major in Adelphi's joint degree engineering program with Columbia University spent a summer researching solutions to a deteriorating dam on her family’s land.
Melina Giakoumis ’11 wanted to be in the field and combine research with her love for animals.
Meet Wendy Podany, an Adelphi University biology major from the Class of 2011. Learn about her background and research interests.
Summer research fellowships support Honors students who are conducting research in many different areas.