
Robert F. Hughes, executive director of the Department of Public Safety and Transportation, likes to call Adelphi a “mini city," one that his department is here to protect.

Robert F. Hughes, executive director of the Department of Public Safety and Transportation, likes to call Adelphi a “mini city,” one that his department is here to protect. From services such as registering vehicles and jump-starting dead batteries, to investigating reports of crime and fires, and protecting lives and property, Public Safety is here 24/7, 365 days a year.

Though safety is a priority, safety with a personal approach is what makes this dedicated department stand out.

“People are happy to see our officers,” said Assistant Director of Operations Michael McGuinness. “I’ve been to other places where the university is so big and there are so many students that there might be a disconnect, but here it’s a home.”

Here are 10 things to know about the Department of Public Safety and Transportation:

1. They’re vigilant.

Officers keep track of what’s happening by monitoring campus via a multitude of security cameras.

2. They help lock out danger.

Last summer, Public Safety had lockdown hardware installed in every classroom so that doors can be locked from the inside to keep students, faculty and staff safe in the unlikely event of an emergency. How to use the hardware is explained in the Adelphi Lockdown Door Video.

3. They’re prepared for medical emergencies.

Our Public Safety officers go beyond New York state requirements with additional training in how to use the recently added Stop the Bleed kits and automated external defibrillator (AED) kits, as well as updating their skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Every officer has been assigned an overdose prevention kit and has been trained how to use it. The kits contain naloxone/Narcan that is used to render potentially lifesaving care in the event of accidental overdoses. The entire staff has also completed the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) training in the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which is a system for managing emergency incidents and events here on campus.

“We also undergo emergency psychological first-aid training,” said McGuinness. “People may not always think of people who are in a psychological crisis as a medical emergency, but it is.”

4. They train others to assess threats.

Public Safety supervises the Threat Assessment Team, 15 faculty and staff members Hughes describes as “a task force that remediates potential threats.”

5. They share their knowledge.

The Department of Public Safety and Transportation collaborates with campus organizations to offer workshops and lectures during events such as National Campus Safety Awareness Month. It also offers free training to Adelphi community members on how to handle hostile intruders, stop fires and prevent crime.

6. They keep us safe in transit.

The department operates the Panther Express shuttle buses and is in charge of enforcing parking regulationsregistering vehicles and issuing parking decals and accessible parking permits.

7. They’re not only in Garden City.

The department provides security for interior space leased by the University at Adelphi’s learning hubs and maintains a close working relationship with the Garden City, Hempstead, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Poughkeepsie and New York City police departments.

8. You can talk to them.

The department is trained to handle reports of sexual harassment, assault or misconduct in a respectful, caring manner, and anyone who has experienced such incidents can choose to make a confidential report.

9. They ride bikes.

The Department of Public Safety Bike Patrol Unit performs the same duties as other uniformed officers on campus, but they can navigate swiftly around the campus and get to locations vehicles can’t access. They’re also highly visible and welcome interactions with the campus community and visitors.

10. They’re easy to reach.

In addition to patrolling campus on foot, bike or vehicle, you can find the members of the department on the first floor of Levermore Hall, Suite 113. You can easily spot the office thanks to their new logo that is prominently displayed at the front desk. The logo will be seen on uniforms, call boxes, AED and Stop the Bleed kits and throughout campus. You can also reach officers by going directly to the Public Safety Command Center located at the west side of Levermore Hall or by dialing 5 from any campus phone or calling 516.877.3511. In addition there is a robust website:

“We’re here to prevent crime,” Hughes concluded. “And we’re here to help.”

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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