Provides access to the creative and scholarly works and research of Adelphi University’s faculty, students, and staff.

Institutional repositories bring together all of a university’s research under one umbrella.

Scholarly Works

Adelphi University’s Scholarly Works showcases our campus scholarship and holds works by faculty, students, and staff. You can search for works created by faculty and staff and thesis and dissertations by students.

Featured Events

This annual celebration is a testament to the thriving academic environment and vibrant creative Adelphi University community.

An exhibition of scholarly and artistic work. Join us in a journey through the inspiring work that is expanding the horizons of knowledge, improving the human condition, and illustrating the bold, creative and scholarly spirit of our Adelphi community.

How Do I Submit My Works?

As we work on launching our new platform, we encourage you to contact Associate Dean of Library for Digital Initiatives David Hodges for more information. Dean Hodges can also assist with obtaining PDFs and/or research materials from our previous research information management system.

Phone Number
More Info
Swirbul Library
Swirbul Spring Break Hours
Rooms 100 & 101 will remain open until 3am.
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