Reading Lists is a tool that makes it simple for faculty to place items on “reserve” and for students to access all of a course’s materials. Reading Lists displays in Moodle for easy access to required or suggested course materials.

What are Reading Lists?

Reading lists is the next generation of course reserves and electronic reserves. With Reading Lists, you can assemble materials of all types—physical books, ebooks, digitized book chapters, scholarly articles, videos, newspaper articles, websites, and any other type of material—to create a structured, comprehensive list of readings for your course. You can build a resource list by yourself or collaborate with others, such as colleagues or librarians. Reading Lists connects to Moodle and Adelphi University Libraries’ OneSearch, making it simple for students to access all of the materials you’ve selected.

Why Use Reading Lists?

  • All Materials in One Place: Include all kinds of material types from all sources in one list – easy for students to find right from Moodle!
  • Easily Create and Modify Lists: Search the Libraries’ resources, add from web content and upload our own files. Organize your list for structure and context.
  • Connect with Students: See where students are engaging with your choices and, if you like, enable discussions & let them suggest additional content.
  • Support and Collaboration from the Libraries at Every Step: We help you make sure the materials are available to students at no cost with no access restrictions or broken links. Our staff are ready to digitize print material for you, subject to copyright restrictions. Our faculty librarians can even help find hard-to-locate material.
  • Seamlessly Transfer Lists between Semesters: Create your list now, then easily duplicate it next term making adjustments as you go.
  • Analytics: Analytics will show you the usage of an item on your Reading List.

How Do I Get Started?

The Libraries offer two different ways to create Reading Lists.

Self-Service Model (Preferred)

Most flexible. You add your own reading list, files, links, and library resources. The Libraries will complete any digitization requests you have, ensure that links work correctly, and move any books to reserves.

Assisted Model

The Libraries will create the list for you. This option gives you less control over the Reading List. We will complete digitization requests and move books to reserves.

  • To start, complete the Course Reserves request form.
  • The Libraries will email you with any issues as well as instructions to add the Reading List to your Moodle course.

How do I add Reading Lists to my Moodle course?

Follow the simple steps below to activate Reading Lists in Moodle (you can also access Moodle via eCampus).

  1. Open the Moodle shell for your course.
  2. “Turn Editing On” using the green button at the top right of your Moodle shell.
  3. With editing mode on, click on the “+Add an activity or resource” button in the body of your Moodle shell.
  4. From the list of activities and resources, choose “External Tool,” and then select “Add.”
  5. In the “Adding a new External tool” configuration screen, give the activity a name, such as “Reading List.” From the Preconfigured tool dropdown menu, choose “Reading List.” Then, click “Save and Display” at the bottom of the configuration menu.
  6. You are now ready to start creating your reading list!

Digitization and Copyright

Through Reading Lists, Adelphi University Libraries are happy to digitize portions of physical books and journals to make available to your students. When building your Reading Lists, please provide as much information about what you need digitized to help our staff locate the appropriate material.

Please note that copyright restrictions limit the amount of a physical item we are able to digitize for Reading Lists. In general, we are able to digitize 10% of a work or 2 chapters, whichever is greater.

The Adelphi University Libraries honors requests from faculty to place course-related items on Reading Lists for Physical Items and Reading Lists for Electronic Items that are in compliance with US Copyright Law (Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107) and the Fair Use guidelines. All such material includes a copyright statement at the beginning of each document:

Warning Concerning Copyright Restrictions:

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproduction of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. If electronic transmission of reserve materials is used for purposes in excess of what constitutes fair use that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

Faculty can notify the library about books to place on Reading Lists via the request form on the Library website. Please contact User Services for more information.

When the Library building is open, print materials on a Reading List for Physical Items for use in the library building are kept behind the service desk and are only available for use in the library. 

Generally accepted Fair Use guidelines will be consulted to determine the amount of a book or the number of articles from a journal that will be put on a Reading List.

Electronic reserves are accessible through the library’s website to students enrolled in a specific class and are password protected. 

They must also meet Fair Use and copyright guidelines as stated above and elsewhere in this guide since they may require making copies of original materials. 

Electronic reserves are not meant to substitute in any way for the purchase or licensing of books or any other copyrighted materials that would be used in course work.

To make a request, please submit the reserve request form.

What Can Be Placed on a Reading List?

  • Copyrighted materials for which the faculty has obtained permission
  • Physical material (Books, DVD, VHS, etc) owned by the University or faculty may be placed on physical reserve
  • Whole works or sections of works that are in the public domain
  • Complete works or sections of works by the U.S. government
  • Book or scores made available within the libraries
  • Part of books, journals, and other print resources that meet a reasonable determination of Fair Use
  • Works for which the instructor holds the copyright

What Cannot Be Placed and is Possibly Copyright Infringement?

  • Reference and Special Collection materials
  • Interlibrary Loan material
  • Commercial anthologies
  • Works prohibited by licensing restrictions
  • Materials for courses that are not currently being taught
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