OneSearch is the library’s main search tool. Use OneSearch to find books, ebooks, articles, videos, digital media, and more.


You can use OneSearch as you would any other search engine and it will show you the most relevant results to your query — regardless of the material type.

What Can I Search For?

OneSearch provides simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and more. Additionally, you can use OneSearch to find a specific article, journal, or book by its citation information via Citation Lookup, search for a specific journal by its title (eg. “Academy of Banking Studies Journal”), search only through streaming media or course reserves, or perform any other advanced searches.

Do I Have to Sign in?

It is not necessary to sign in to use OneSearch, but doing so opens up more services. OneSearch can help you manage your research through your My Library Account. Once you sign in, you will also be able to:

  • Create lists of favorite items and searches
  • Export saved citations to citation managers such as Zotero
  • View full search results from all databases, shown only when you’re signed in

Where Can I Get Help With OneSearch?

Our detailed OneSearch library guide can answer most of your questions and help with specific requirements (such as how to use filters and facets).

For additional help getting started or specific research assistance, visit Ask a Librarian. You can select the list of library faculty and choose the subject librarian in your research area.

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Swirbul Library
Swirbul Spring Break Hours
Rooms 100 & 101 will remain open until 3am.
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