University Archives and Special Collections
Adelphi University Archives and Special Collections (UASC) collects, preserves, and provides access to unique and rare materials of enduring value; and serves as the institutional memory of Adelphi by collecting, preserving, and providing access to materials that document its history.
About UASC
Adelphi University Archives
The Adelphi University Archives collects, holds, preserves, and makes accessible the historical records of Adelphi University documenting the history of the University, its students, faculty and administration. These archival records encompass a wide variety of formats and media including documents, letters, reports, yearbooks, photographs, student newspapers, memorabilia, theses and dissertations, video and audio recordings, and digital records of all kinds.
Adelphi Special Collections
Covering a wide variety of subjects and historical periods, Adelphi Special Collections include rare books, manuscripts, photographs, pamphlets, artwork and other primary sources. Among the notable special collections held by Adelphi are those concerned with the late 18th / early 19th century British radicals William Cobbett (1763-1835) and William Hone (1780-1842); the pioneering dancer and choreographer Ruth St. Denis (1879-1968); New York Lieutenant Governor Timothy L. Woodruff (1858-1913); the congressional papers of Rep. Carolyn McCarthy; and the comic art of Bill and Bunny Hoest.

History major Nicole Quirke examines documents in Adelphi’s archives with Edward Reno, PhD, associate professor and chair of Adelphi’s history department.
How to Search Archives and Special Collections
OneSearch, Adelphi University Library’s online catalog, is a useful tool for finding information about Adelphi library’s many special collections. It is particularly useful for searching Adelphi’s Rare Books collection.
Finding Aids
Finding aids are descriptive guides or inventories that provide information about the organization and content of manuscripts and archival collections. Finding aids for specific special collections and for the University Archives are discoverable by the UASC digital collections portal.
Collections Contacts
Residence Hall A 005 LL
Residence Hall A 004 LL
Residence Hall A LL