The Adelphi University Faculty Senate endorses the principles of Open Access publishing. The Senate encourages Adelphi University Faculty to disseminate their scholarship as broadly as possible under the principles of Open Access to make free and legal online access to research available to anyone with access to the internet.

Further, the Senate supports the University Libraries’ efforts to negotiate transformative, transparent, and financially sustainable agreements with academic publishers to prioritize the open dissemination of research that democratizes access to knowledge.

Open Access is an international movement to change the ways in which scholarship is made available. Adelphi faculty are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits offered by Open Access publishing, such as increased collaboration and improved access to research. Open Access increases networking among scholars, with the likelihood that Adelphi scholarship would be more easily discoverable and cited by others1. Open Access increases the visibility of Adelphi scholars’ research and thus enhances the University’s reputation.

In addition, Open Access is a social justice issue that seeks to make scholarship widely available to anyone. Traditional publishing models are cost-prohibitive for those outside of the academy, as well as researchers in developing countries with limited access to expensive database and journal subscriptions. By affirming a commitment to Open Access, the Adelphi University Faculty Senate is making a commitment to equitable access to information.

¹ McKiernan, E. C., Bourne, P. E., Brown, C. T., Buck, S., Kenall, A., Lin, J., McDougall, D., Nosek, B. A., Ram, K., Soderberg, C. K., Spies, J. R., Thaney, K., Updegrove, A., Woo, K. H., & Yarkoni, T. (2016). How open science helps researchers succeed. ELife, 5, e16800.

Open Access Policy Task Force Members

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