Adelphi University Libraries has begun a digital publishing program to create new, accessible avenues for the dissemination of work by students and faculty from Adelphi as well as from institutions of higher education around the world.

For more information, or to inquire about working with us on a new publishing project, contact Prof. Chris Barnes, Digital Publishing Librarian.

Scholarly Journals

The Journal of Critical Study of Communication and Disability (JCSCD) is the first scholarly journal to be published by Adelphi University Libraries. The brainchild of Professor Reem Khamis and the other members of the Speech, Language, Hearing Scientists Equity Action Collective, the overall aims of the journal are to advocate for linguistic justice, equity, and access for diverse communicators. An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal, JCSCD provides a forum for critical research, theory, and practices related to people and groups who are marginalized and/or pathologized for their languaging and ways of communicating.

Student Journals

Adelphi University Libraries works with students and faculty advisors from schools, colleges, departments, and programs to establish new student journals. We can also help transform print publications into digital ones, as is the case with Symposium. Symposium is the journal of ideas of the Honors College. Originally a print publication, we worked with students and administrators in the Honors College to create a digital version—Symposium 2.0—in 2022. We are now working on further developing the website and editorial workflow in advance of the publication of the 2023 issue.

Institutional Repository

Scholarly Works is Adelphi University’s institutional repository, a searchable database containing scholarly and creative works by members of the Adelphi faculty, student body, and professional staff. In addition to providing access to previously published works like journal articles and book chapters, Scholarly Works can also serve as a publishing platform for things like conference presentations, reports, and even multimedia works. Upon being added to the repository, works receive a digital object identifier which also serves as a stable URL. This makes it easy to share and cite the work online. Since Scholarly Works is also indexed by Google Scholar, works added to the repository will appear in online search results.

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